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We both can speak and write english and understand a bit of french, but it is not that good. So it would be the easiest to talk in english.
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more than 6 month ago
I finished school, made an internship in an advertising agency for 3 month and want to travel with my best friend philipp now.
Before philipp and me will study, we want to travel through europe for a few month. In our opinion, you dont have to travel to far away countries to see diffrent cultures and pretty diffrent lifestyles than ours. You just have to open your eyes!
We are a good team and are pretty motivated learning new things and getting new skills for example in farming or gardening. We both grewed up in small villages and dont see a garden with vegetables the first time. So trust us
I am a smoker, don't have a drivers license, I am not a vegetarian and I have no allergies.
We both are smokers, but really can live without it. So tell us, if we should refrain it.
Austria, Croatia, France, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland