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Nicholas (31)

World, North America, Canada, Moncton

Project dates

Work to be done

Your accommodation

Always look at the positive side of things

Volunteer since


I was born and raised French, went to french school, but always had English relatives in my family.

Last seen online
6 months ago

About me

I am a 22-year-old male from the east coast of Canada, oldest of a family of 3 boys. In 2011 after graduation, not knowing what I wanted to do, I moved to Whistler BC where I followed my passion for snowboarding and the beauty of the Rockies. After Whistler I went on to work in the oil sands then on to travelling all across Canada to work as a racker in industrial warehouses. Being away from home for 3 years I decided to go back home. Now I`m looking to bring my knowledge up, for a new dream of mine in self-sustainability and living as they say, off grid, as it is a goal of mine to one day own a place where every thing runs in perfect harmony with each other.
People know me as easy-going, happy, stress free with a strong work ethic and an outdoor fanatic. Oh and I am also everybody's designated cook.

Preferred location

I want to travel and gain experience in agriculture, sustainable/renewable energy and/or eco-efficiency. I am a 22-year-old male from the east coast of Canada, fluently bilingual, and looking for cool places, interesting people and adventures. I have a lot to offer in construction and fabrication. I am a quick learner and a good problem solver and also in excellent physical shape. I have a passion for the outdoors and I have strong interests in farming and experimenting with soil/compost. I am also very intuitive in the kitchen and a great cook.


I have a lot to offer in construction and fabrication. I am a quick learner and a good problem solver and also in excellent physical shape. I have a passion for the outdoors and I have strong interests in farming and experimenting with soil/compost. I am also very intuitive in the kitchen and a great cook. I have very good people skills, love to make people laugh and have a good time.

Additional info

I am not a smoker, don't have a drivers license, I am not a vegetarian and I have no allergies.

Type of work I want to do

  • construction
  • help in the house
  • maintenance tasks
  • animal care
  • boat handlers
  • eco projects
  • pet sitting
  • tourist support

Where I want to volunteer

North America


More photos about me

Denis beach,nb
Sugar loaf downhill bike
Restigouch river
Somewheres in the rockies
Surfing at home
This is what i use a golf course for... snowboarding.
Boat camping on a island
Me and my bike
Hammok camping