Volunteer since
Though I have to admit that my Italian has not the best grammar (but I can have a good conversation)
Last seen online
3 weeks ago
People would say that I am quite an extroverted person, though with a small private shelter inside. I´m open minded and for sure I developed a warm personality, but I am also quite sure that some people would say that I´m a bit crazy, coz I believe in so many different possibilities within our world and for some this is kind of strange During my life I developed a “to do” personality – if there is work I will see it and somehow will figure out how to do it (if not I will find a way to ask somebody for help). Though don’t get me wrong, work is important but also leisure time Sometimes I am not an “everybody´s person” coz I am honest and direct, so I say what I think and not everybody can handle this, but those who can, really appreciate it a lot. I love to laugh and to talk, and most of the time I´m really interested in what people has to say.
I have worked now in many different occupations (Sales, Marketing, Childcare and as Touristguide, currently I am working for a german travel agency in Italy) and I am very flexible -it depends what is to do and how the place is and I will figure it out
I am a smoker, I have a drivers license, I am not a vegetarian and I have no allergies.
British Indian Ocean Territory, Cambodia, India, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Viet Nam
Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Puerto Rico
Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama