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Certified Organic Family Farm

World, Oceania, Australia, Eungella



Travel dates

About the workproject

We need 1 volunteer

A hard working family farm committed to regenerative agriculture producing a diverse and interlinked array of commercially saleable produce.  From eggs to potatoes, kales and sprouts to lettuce and cattle.

Here at SLO we work with nature using Permaculture principles and Natural farming.   We are Certified Organic and Bio-dynamic.  We produce a stunning array of seasonal vegetables from our market gardens, fruit from the poultry orchard, live sprouts and seedlings, eggs and cattle.  All interwoven on the one poly-culture farm.  We only use natural hay mulch mimicking nature. We sell at several Local weekly Farmers Markets.

We are seeking persons keen to learn & earn about integrated sustainable food production, utilising Permaculture, Biodynamics, Natural Farming techniques developed on farm and collaboratively.

Interns live on-site with accommodation and food provided. Payment is offered after trial to good workers once trial, usually a few days, has been completed.

All previous interns have confirmed that it was one of the most valuable and educative experiences they have ever completed.
 We prefer interns who have completed a PDC Permaculture Design Certificate.  Current and previous interns testimonals are available. We currently have interns in their 2nd year at the farm.  We prefer longer commitments but understand that you need to be sure if it's for you. Staying the full 12 months and longer gains insights into the natural seasonal cycles of farming.  Sylva Lining Organics regularly hosts student groups from overseas and local. Ian Willis co-creator of Sylva Lining Organics "SLO" is a former CEO of his own national property services company describes Sylva Lining Organics as the MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) of biological farming, combining the best of Masanobu Fukuoka's "Natural Farming", Rudolf Steiner's "Bio-dynamics, Bill Mollison's "Permaculture" and the National Standards for Certified Organics.  We like to call it Perma-farming.  If you've completed your PDC and are wondering about what to do next many have found their answer here at SLO.

Please send written applications to please detailing experience, skills, age, history, fitness duration sought, etc.

More information and images at Instagram #sylva_lining_organics.

If you are able please arrange to visit  the farm at Eungella 2484.  Ian and Sylva and current interns are open for enquiries.

About the host



Host since




Last seen online

6 months ago

Done see main description

Project dates

Open for offers, contact us

Work to be done

Expected workhours

  • 5 hours a day
  • 6 days a week

Work exchange deal

  • trailer / caravan

  • shared meals

Evening are often not shared

  • no money is involved

We offer payment for good workers.