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Finca agroecologica productora de vino natural necesita ayuda para la vendimia

World, South America, Argentina, San Rafael



Travel dates

27°C, 10:30

About the workproject

We need 3 volunteers

We are two friends, Virginia and Alexander who live on the farm from 2001.nos accompany Doris, Milton and Pipa, SuperPancho dogs and cat. The estate features a vine of 4 ha and grapes make wine, juice and other products, also have orchard and other fruit and chicken. agroecological way we work and we really like the natural building. the farm is 13 km from the city of san rafael and there are buses to change into the city. We do not have internet on the farm
Between August and September the activities are mainly in the vineyard, performing the pruning and the other cultural works of the vine,
Between February and April activities are related to harvesting and natural winemaking.
Throughout the year the activities relate to maintenance of the garden and the property in general, we also started bio-construction activities with natural clay. The weather is very nice, always very sunny.

About the host



Host since




We do not speak another language so we prefer to get people who speak Spanish and / or wants to learn. The minimum time spent on the farm, we prefer 15 days.. We invite you to see more on our website.

Last seen online

more than 6 month ago

We are two friends, Virginia and Alexander who live on the farm from 2001.nos accompany Doris, Milton and Pipa, SuperPancho dogs and cat. The estate features a vine of 4 ha and grapes make wine, juice and other products, also have orchard and other fruit and chicken. agroecological way we work and we really like the natural building. the farm is 13 km from the city of san rafael and there are buses to change into the city. We do not have internet on the farm

Project dates

Open for offers, contact us

Work to be done

  • gardening
  • construction
  • farming
  • eco projects

Expected workhours

  • 6 hours a day
  • 5 days a week

Work exchange deal

  • private cottage, tent

La Casita, has a room for three people (and space for a tent in a covered area), a kitchen and a dry latrine, shower under construction that's why for now use the bath house on the farm.

  • shared meals

We eat mainly vegetables and fruits from the garden, and conserve we prepare during the summer, eggs from our chickens and we like making bread
At lunch we cook and eat all together in charge of our.
At night you can cook alone in your kitchen with your own ingredients at your expense

  • no money is involved