World, South America, Brazil, foz do iguaçu
World, South America, Brazil, foz do iguaçu
We need 2 volunteers
My project is study m write and walk together. I am not want anything stressed activite...Now is more important for me : confidence, open-mind , much dialogue and affinity. to take advantage of the interaction. I appreciate activities such as film , photography , records accounts and reports , self-research , sharing of knowledge and life experiences
English, French, Portuguese, Spanish
I undestand french and italian but i no have fluency either facilities
I am official public, and volunteer at many activites;
I like read books, contact with greens spaces.
I love activities such as video producers, photography, journalism, various researches, sharing of knowledge and life experiences
I am management too, I have master in management since 2000 and postgraduation at Geoeconomy and Sustainable Education, beyond live in Iguassu Falls and in the past he have lived from rio de janeiro...I too love to study tourism ...
Clean but with boxes with newsmagazine and good books