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Mum of 3 school age kids. I need help with everyday home jobs, husband travels a lot for work. Own room, Internet, meals, allowance

World, Oceania, Australia, Annandale


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27°C, 19:14

About the workproject

We need 1 volunteer

Our live in helper leaves on 4 August for travelling. We are after live in help from 4 August to approximately 30 November (as we are going away after this). I need a couple of hours help in morning to clean up breaky dishes, family washing out, clean up boys bedrooms. Then help again the the afternoon from 3.30-7.30 with 7 year old homework, fold washing, dishes, mind 7 year old while I'm at soccer training 2 nights to give dinner & bath.

About the host

Dani (51)

Host since




Last seen online

more than 6 month ago

Hi, thanks for reading my profile. We are a family of 5. We have 2 boys age 7 & 11 that are into soccer & piano & scooter rides and are at school, our daughter is almost 14 and at highschool and does a variety of sports and learning French. We live near the city and we enjoy going to Cafes on the weekend and we have grandparents that we see or come over.Chris travels interstate or Japan for work, I'm a stay at home mum (that never really is at home).

Project dates

Open for offers, contact us

Work to be done

  • help in the house

Expected workhours

  • 7 hours a day
  • 5 days a week

Work exchange deal

  • private room

Own bedroom, shared 1 1/2 bathrooms. Unlimited home internet,food & weekly allowance. 5 kilometres from city Sydney

  • shared meals

Breakfast, lunch & dinner food supplied at home to either eat with us or make yourself. Some dinners I need help with

  • no money is involved