Working with an NGO in Malaysia and currently pursuing ICSA certification.
A truly Malaysian, dreaming of travelling around the world and visiting some of the most popular cities and persistently visit as many amazing places as possible. I would love to think that I am a true #wanderlust or rather always wanted to be one!
In real life, I am working for a non-govermental organization and currently pursuing my ICSA certification.
Out of busy schedule, I would always love to meet interesting people from all over the world to exchange cultural differences and life stories.
So, I hosted my rooms via Airbnb so that I could meet as many people from all walk of life and share some intellectual stimulation sessions.
Besides hosting, I support green and organic food and products. So most of the time, I am hunting for health food around the town.
Oh yah! I am a pescetarian and a health freak altogether. Have passion for art as well.
I am actively engaging in charity work and involve with kids and elderly in Malaysia.
I am not a smoker, I have a drivers license, I am a vegetarian and I have no allergies.
Allergic to prawn