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Suleyman (44)

World, Europe, Turkey, Izmir

Project dates

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It Is What It Is or In it what is in it

Volunteer since


I want to learn english

Last seen online
more than 6 month ago


I have been working on foreign trade for 15 years.I have experience and many certificates on Export ,import,transit ,crossborders .I would like to continue my career in a different area rather than public sector.I am good at archieve,personel registration system,system safety,statictics ,data verification and I have 15 years experience on these issues.I am tired works ı have experience organic farm constraction plants flower and gardening animal health I have cat doğ and parrot I want to Learn english and want to work australia or new zeland farms I have schengen australia visas

Additional info

I am not a smoker, I have a drivers license, I am not a vegetarian and I have no allergies.

I am good drivers, boat captain License

Type of work I want to do

  • construction
  • farming
  • gardening
  • language practice
  • computer help
  • eco projects

Where I want to volunteer


England, Ireland, Norway, Scotland, Sweden, Switzerland

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