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Quiet 2 Ha property, just 15 minute walk to the village of Broke NSW,

World, Oceania, Australia, Broke



Travel dates

27°C, 19:50

About the workproject

We need 1 volunteer

0r 20 minutes drive to the train at Singleton NSW (town with large shopping etc)
We are centred in the pretty Hunter Valley vineyard area, where many fellow travellers come.
The small property,and dwelling, still has much choice of establishment work, to be done. Jill& Ben need the assistance of mature, practical Wwoofers, with English understood by fellow travellers.
You will eat our tasty, varied, and healthy meals.
Your caravan accommodation is just 10 paces to our toilet, & 5 more to our kitchen / dining.
Our previous selected Wfrs have enjoyed their stays, and have written so in our Wfr guest book.
We are flexible, and can likely meet your movements and returns, fortnightly is possible. You will be cared for fed, clean, and warm.
Work hours are expected in the cool hours each day.

About the host



Host since




Last seen online

more than 6 month ago

Ben 72 years & Jill 61 have a small acreage where we grow flowers for the florist industry and have a couple of goats and 2 dogs. Ben still works with hands on jobs, doing maintance & repairs as he is very handy & eats Jill's delicious meals.

Project dates

Open for offers, contact us

Work to be done

  • gardening
  • construction
  • maintenance tasks

Expected workhours

  • 4 hours a day
  • 6 days a week

Work exchange deal

  • camper

4.5 m clean caravan wih bedding ,frig, fan, and water.
We help with learning the vocab & grammar of the English language

  • shared meals

All day supplies
All evenings shared food

  • no money is involved