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Help needed in Building new Kindergarten Classrooms and help with children, vegetable gardens and DIY, Tanzania

World, Africa, Tanzania, Mafinga



Travel dates

27°C, 11:09

About the workproject

We need 5 volunteers

Welcome at the kindergarten of Joy in Mafinga, Iringa .Tanzania for a great Cultural Exchange (no fees charged at our project)

We are here since 2016 and had a lot of amazing people from all over the world helping us to make our project grow.
I am Albert the founder of the kindergarten of Joy. Together with my amazing team Robert (the manager), Wilharda, Anita, Esther, Adela and two other teachers and Stephanie (second manager) we take care for over 60 children. The number of the kids coming here is increasing steadily, we have kids here from fee paying ad non fee paying backgrounds. Our dream is to move with the kindergarten to our own place (the current one is rented) so we are building in another place.
We need and welcome everyone interested in our project. Please allow yourself to bring your own ideas while you are here and we would love to learn about you, your country, your culture and your family. In the same time we love to show you our way of living, our food and our happiness when we work with children and meet new people.

When you are interested in joining us,PLEASE read this.
For volunteering in Tanzania you need a special kind of visa (this is a gouvernment regulation), which you can get at the airport. The visa is called Volunteering Visa or Business Visa and costs 250 Dollar. It is for three months. For every organisation you may want to volunteer at this is the right and official visa you need to get, even if some places tell you you only need the normal tourist visa. If you are caught it can get really expensive or you may be asked to pay the migration office some extra money. So to be on the safe side the Volunteering Visa is the best. (If you have any questions please feel free to ask!)

Volunteers are highly welcome to work at the garden, at the school with kids to teach and to play with, all skills are really welcome and needed! We would love to work with you, bring your ideas, skills, and come to join us! Currently we need help in building children classrooms at our new place, we already have materials ready for building, but as well we need help around the kindergarten (playing with the kids, painting or help in the garden, I am pretty sure we will find a job for you you would enjoy).
We would like our volunteers to take initiative to help our Kindergarten to improve and move forward. We hope that you will offer your own skills and interests to help our school grow, our crops improve.

About the host



Host since




Last seen online

more than 6 month ago

I am working at the kindergarten as a Director since 2016, i am a man i like team working, walking around town,l like curtural exchange

Project dates

Open for offers, contact us

Work to be done

  • gardening
  • construction
  • language practice
  • teaching projects
  • charity work
  • art projects
  • computer help
  • child care / au pair

Expected workhours

  • 5 hours a day
  • 4 days a week

Work exchange deal

  • tent, bungalow

A room no sharing no tv,toilets are located within the house

  • shared meals

We prepare dinner,breakfast and lunch no charge

  • no money is involved

No money offered we still young