World, South America, Ecuador, Ibarra
World, South America, Ecuador, Ibarra
We need 5 volunteers
Hi5 Victor Hovos
+1 (905) 517-2049
We are a Coffee Farm with 5 hectar of coffeetrees with a Restaurant in the middle of the Anden Mountains close to the City Ibarra in Ecuador. During the Harvest season we need help to picking the coffeefruit and Processing it. We start with a Restaurant close to the Farm for this we looking for Volontärs developing the Veggi & Herb Garden. Cooking and serving Food in the Restaurant Café. We have also some animals on the Farm Goats Chickens Geese and Horses. Dogs,Cats and Bees for home made Honey.
English, French, Spanish
I am living with my Women and Family on the Farm we running togehter the Coffee Farm and Restaurant Buisness
I am from Canada and live with the Family on the Coffee Farm. We working together in the Restaurant and on the Coffee Farm.
1 Shared dorm with 6 Beds/Shared Bathroom Short Stay Volontärs
3 Rooms triple/duoble Beds/Shared Bathroom
2 Privat Rooms with Double Bed for couples/ Shared Bathroom
1 Privat Room for Long Stay Volontär 1 year in the Main House with Privat Bathroom
1 Privat Room with Bathroom and Kitchen for a Chef in the Restaurant
We offer Breakfast Lunch and Dinner
there is a shared Kitchen can be used for Self catering,too