World, South America, Ecuador, Otavalo
World, South America, Ecuador, Otavalo
We need 4 volunteers
We are a farm that produce organic milk, butter, mature cheeses, with "happy cows" that mainly pasture free all the time.
We have also a agroturism program where the guests come for hiking in the primar forest, riding horses, camping, having a brunch or a lunch with a wonderfull view of the mountains and the valley...
We need volunteer for the milking process and for training naturally our horses other working in the vegetable garden!
English, German, Spanish
We are married for 5 years and decided to live at the farm. Our 5 children are studying at the university and working. We love animals, dogs, riding horses, BBQ during the weekend and enyoy the nature!!!
You have a private room with bath, internet and the posibility to use the kitchen.
We will prepare the meals together and shared them wenn it is posible.