World, North America, Mexico, Santiago Juxtlahuaca
World, North America, Mexico, Santiago Juxtlahuaca
We need 2 volunteers
We are ex-student of a old school, when we were studied, the school just had elementaly level, now the school have a lot of students and high school leves, but without Building, the students are taking clases in a Church gate, now we start the project, we are make diferentes activities for pay to the workers and buying material, we ll do siX classrooms and the bathrooms. The project Will be finished in september.
English, Spanish
I m a gym owner in my smalltown, single, i want to the collegue, always working for my town in diferent activities like sports, cultural, enviroment, and artistics skills, volleyball trainner , and dance teacher, now im living my dreams, doing somethings and activities that i love, like help to the People to their workouts and care their health, teaching to dance free, teaching volleyball to the childrens free, helping in diferents projects in my town and travel a lot, that s the better.
Share loker, bed, bathroom, tv, p.c., gym., wifi, own kitchen.
We ll try to get money for the voluntaries but we offer 3 days each weeks for to travel with us to diferents countries, and they have the oportunitie to visit diferentes places and state of México, because mine and friend's job is travel each week.