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Western Australian Farming experience

World, Oceania, Australia, Tardun



Travel dates

27°C, 01:55

About the workproject

We need 2 volunteers

Hello, we have a farm in the midwest of Western Australia, 3500 ha, grain crops and sheep. We have 2 very busy work times during the year, April and May for planting grain crops and October, November for harvesting grain, in between these months some work with sheep, but for the most the sheep are easy care, feeding themselves on natural pasture.
There is always work of some type as with most farms through the year, but the 4 months mentioned before are the most important for us. Australian agriculture is mainly large scale on dryland areas, so we always have to watch the sky for our rainfall and keep our fingers crossed that the rains come when needed.
We have had a lot of different nationalities on the farm over the years, so can converse with most enough to communicate and help with english practise.
So if anyone is interested to check out how we operate, please make contact, during busy times can not always answer quickly,
ok thanks Geoff

About the host


Geoff (67)

Host since




Have had a lot of visitors from France,Italy and Denmark over the years, am able to communicate with most people

Last seen online

more than 6 month ago

Farmer growing grain and also running flock of sheep. Needing help with farm work and housework. Busy time 1 month of seeding,May and 1 month of harvesting, November, sheep work between. Good opportunity for experience of Australian lifestyle and environment.
Have 3 children working away from farm.
Farming for more than 40 years, climate change making farming more difficult, all dry land farming, no irrigation here.
Like motorbike riding, and seeing results of farming, hopefully good smile

Project dates

Open for offers, contact us

Work to be done

  • gardening
  • farming
  • language practice
  • help in the house
  • maintenance tasks
  • animal care

Expected workhours

  • 8 hours a day
  • 5 days a week

Work exchange deal

  • private room

Private rooms available in our house, shared bathroom, common area for TV, wifi internet access, mobile reception varies around property

  • shared meals

We provide all food, but share preparation, depending on farm work schedule.

  • offering money for all working hours 

Can offer some money, for work and use of car, if able to drive on left side of road