World, North America, USA, Little River
World, North America, USA, Little River
We need 1 volunteer
We are a hardworking couple who needs help giving our children some extra attention. Husband travels frequently and daily routine can be overwhelming. We live in a 4000 sq ft home on 5 acres in the countryside in North Carolina, United States.
English, German, Spanish
I am conversational in German. I understand Spanish well and can write decently but still have difficulty speaking.
We have two daughters, 8 and 3. I travel frequently and my wife works occasionally long hours. We can offer an experience of life in rural USA - 5 acres with 4 dogs and occasionally other animals, woods to explore, gardens, etc - and a loving home with people who enjoy food, life, and fun.
Nearby Raleigh has many great cultural experiences, from museums to theater to music and cultural festivals.
We will provide food for 3 meals per day.