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Art, Cleaning, cooking, Marketing, website, Data entry, building, gardeniong, Tourisum and Hostel Suport

World, Central America, Panama, Vacamonte



Travel dates

About the workproject

We need 11 volunteers

Bienvenidos al Centro de Arte y Cultura de Panamá

Todo comenzó con la inspiración de David Sloan, artista de la ciudad de Nueva York que vino a visitarnos para inspirarse en la naturaleza en nuestras Visitas Guiadas Certificadas de Panamá.

Desde entonces, hemos acogido a muchos artistas que, inspirados por sus experiencias, han donado Arte a nuestras paredes y nos han dejado arte para exhibir y Promocionar.

Todas nuestras paredes restantes han sido pintadas de blanco para que sean un lienzo vivo donde puedan expresarse y dejarnos con el Arte para disfrutar y compartir con todos nuestros invitados a los que les gusta tomar fotografías y selfis.

El Centro de Arte y Cultura de Panamá

Déjanos en Facebook, Instagram

Inspirado por David Sloan

Para más información / Para más información smile

507-831-8599 cel 507-6872-4298


For more Information / Para Más información : )

507-831-8599 cel 507-6872-4298 Whats app

YouTube Channel


Our Site


Ciudad de Panamá, Panamá

#aventuras,#naturaleza,#jardín,#fotografíanatural,#explorepanama,#thetouristcenterofcertified, #guidedtoursofpanama,#thepanamacenterofartandculture,#painting,#publicart,#streetart, #DavidSloan #artResidency #residency #Hostel #TheTouristCenterofCertifiedGuidedToursofPanama,#ThePanamaCenterofArtandCulture,,#ArtRecidency, #ThePanamaCenterofArtandCultureArtRecidency,#ThePanamaCenterofArtandCulture,#ArtRecidency,#PanamaArt,#ThePanamaCenterofArtandCulture,#ArtRecidency,#Panama,#ThePanamaCenterofArtandCulture,#ArtRecidencyPanamaCityPanama,#,#,#Painters,,#NewYorkCity,#DavidSloan,#StreetArt,#panamamarketing, #panamacitypanama, #Art ,# ,#pty, #SEO, #Mercadeo, #socialmedia, #mediasocial, #vlog, #youtube, #youtubepanama, #followme, #blogpanama ,#video, #follow, #Subscribepanamamarketing, #wwwpanamarealestatemarketingcom. #Guidedtours, #toursinpanama

About the host

Ernesto (46)

Host since



English, Spanish

We are The Panama Center of art and culture The Art Residency where we have received many Artists from around the world who come to be inspired by Nature, our Tours, and have donated their talent to us. We have been bringing our friends and prospects to discover opportunities and explore Panama. The Panama Center of art and Culture is Proud in providing our clients with High-Quality solutions an Active Pro Service and Competitive rates. Our extensive experience allows us to solve o

Last seen online

more than 6 month ago

Single man have website social media and you tube channel work in Marketing and torisum

My project blog

12 Beaches, Rivers, Island in Pedasi Panama

November 20, 2021

hello and Welcome to Pedasi Panamaam a Certified National Guide of Panama Expat from Florida.I have been exploring Panama for over 15 years 10 of them a lot in Pedasi, our youtube channel has over 42,169 videos of our explorations with our guests and Have 2 Hostels. are Nature lovers, creating a self-sustained hostel we take walks every day10 years ago I have been falling in love with this wonderfulAm looking for like minded people to enjoy what we doArtistmarketing helpGardening helpconstruction helphostel helpvideo editingpicture editingtours helpofferfoodaccommodationtoursexplorations+507-6872-4298

Project dates

Open for offers, contact us

Work to be done

  • tourist support
  • eco projects
  • computer help
  • internet support
  • hostel support

Expected workhours

  • 6 hours a day
  • 6 days a week

Work exchange deal

  • shared room

  • shared meals

  • no money is involved

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